
X-rays of steel are often used to detect internal irregularities such as cavities, pores, cracks, inclusions or other structural defects.

It is often used in various manufacturing processes such as casting, forging or rolling. The material thicknesses of steel parts to be tested can be very variable, depending on the area of application.

X-ray voltages of typically 150 kV to 450 kV are used for radiographic transmission of thick-walled steel parts. At the moment we are limited to 225 kV, but we can use it to investigate steel with a thickness of up to about 25 mm. The evaluation of X-ray images and data is carried out, for example, according to common norms and standards such as ASTM E446 or ISO 17636.

In many cases, large quantities of steel parts are tested, and we support you in preparing the results in clear lists. If necessary, we can tailor the X-ray inspection to your individual requirements in order to provide you with the best results.

Feel free to contact us for more information about our steel X-ray service and how we can help you with the quality control of your steel parts.

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