Statue of a woman under radiation

Statue of a woman under radiation

STATUE OF A WOMAN UNDER RADIATION This statue is a smooth 195 cm tall and is therefore already one of the larger objects that we X-ray. But this is far from the limit. At the moment, we can X-ray objects up to 4 m long. That must take a long time and is expensive,...


BERLINER If you share a berliner, one person gets more jam than the other. No one knows where to divide a berliner fairly. Almost no one. So we prefer to X-ray the berliner before we share it. Righteous is just. By the way, x-raying food is harmless. This image was...
X-ray of electronics

X-ray of electronics

X-RAY OF ELECTRONICS It is particularly interesting when customers want to X-ray rare treasures. Here you can see the X-ray image of a sealed Nintendo Game Boy in its original packaging. The condition is perfect. On the X-ray you can see the game Tetris, 4...
Smartphone under x-rays

Smartphone under x-rays

SMARTPHONE UNDER X-RAYS A smartphone is x-rayed at 225 kV. You can see the influence of radiation on the chip of the selfie camera. You can also see this in our video. We hope you enjoy watching. Previous Next  Sign up for fresh news and content Success! Email...

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